Monday, February 25, 2008

Don't Vote forum stirs debate, go to prison - forget about health care, and other news

Here are some news tidbits from today...

"Don't Vote" forum publicity on campus stirs some sharp criticism and inspires hostility.

Bad docs in the prison system? Maybe just a bad system. The ACLU gets a high volume of prisoner complaints about lack of medical attention. Readers who have little sympathy with the prisoner-patient who died might ask themselves: if two men committed the same crime and one was healthy and the other denied treatment for a chronic health condition (in this example, adequate breathing support), are they serving the same sentence? Are they being punished equally?

Cap Times blasts UWM student government for trying to pass a student "sedition act" after critical articles in the campus newspaper. Here's the original UWM Post article with a quote from the ACLU of Wisconsin

Seems like Sen. Grothman and Rep. Tauchen think that life is pretty bad for white men and that affirmative action is no longer needed. They want men to be judged by the content of their character (state contract bids) instead of the color of their skin. When racism is systemic, should we trust white men who say that programs to break the racial glass ceiling are no longer needed?