Monday, February 18, 2008

Tell the TSA what you think about airport security - TSA's new blog

Did anyone catch NPR's On The Media story this weekend about the Transportation Security Administration's new blog?

Looks like hot topics in airport security are introduced, explained and defended on the blog which allows for comments. There is a post addressing the what-if-I-have-a-pin-in-my-hip question. There is a place to vent about the inconsistencies from one airport security to the next. The disclaimer for the blog describes the purpose of the blog to be one of on-going exchange of ideas rather than a place to report specific conflicts to be addressed.

Whether or not the federal government will do anything about the actual experiences of people going through airport security (Anyone else find it to be a bit humiliating ? Anyone else have a special attachment to keeping their feet covered and their pants held up?) will remain to be seen.