Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Data collection on WI voting admin, new FISA law as 4th amendment insult and ACLU on The Mic

Here are a couple of tidbits for today...

In a direct critique of Senator Obama's FISA vote, Truthout's Director Marc Ash writes, "The problem is that what was at stake in the FISA legislation vote was more than a political ideal; it was the rule of law. You ratified an unconstitutional and egregious degradation of the Fourth Amendment. That won't go away easily. The United States's Constitution is not merely the security blanket for 'civil liberties groups.' It is the birthright of all Americans. It is our national treasure... The alternative to the rule of law is the law of rule."

Did you know that of about 9000 election clerks nationwide, about 2000 are in Wisconsin? Our highly decentralized voting administration system is great for localized registration and voting, yet a challenge to get a clear picture of whether or not we have uniformity in the system. Check out this story about data that will be collected this fall on how we do elections.

And check out the Madison Area ACLU Community Advocate Stacy Harbaugh on the progressive radio morning show yesterday morning: